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Thanks girl, I owe you.

Get yourself a friend who will show up. 

My morning was an absolute shit show today. I was running late, threw my kids in the car with a piece of bread for breakfast, dropped them off to their grandparents without even walking them in, and flew to my first appointment. I was there way too long, needed to write a contract for another client 12 hours prior, and needed to pick up the kids before I could write it. My phone was ringing off the hook. We got their shoes and jackets on and were headed out the door from my parents when I got a call that I had accidentally no-showed for a brand new client. It was 20 minutes past our appointment and he was sitting there waiting for me. I left the kids in their jackets with my reluctant dad and rushed to meet the client. Back to pick them up 30 minutes later, and I still hadn’t written the contract for that other woman. I drove home and plopped onto the couch with my computer to try and catch up when my friend walked in. 

Honestly, I didn’t have time for her and her kids. I just didn’t. I was so far behind and my brain was at max capacity. But we had plans to get the kids together, and my kids were so excited I didn’t want to let them down. 

She walked in, and heated up her coffee in the microwave. She went outside and played with all the kids. She brought in the eggs from our chickens, and gave them fresh water. She came back inside and heated up her coffee again. And it wasn’t until that point that I stopped what I was doing and actually looked at her to say hello. She’d been here for probably 40 minutes before I even acknowledged her. I’m such a jerk. 

I apologized and she said, “for what?” and walked away. I was still trying to collect my thoughts and answer texts, voicemails, and emails when my kid asked if she could start a massive LEGO project. I immediately said no, but was easily persuaded otherwise. I had little energy left to argue. Within minutes, my friend had taken all the kids to the dining room table to begin the LEGO undertaking. By this time it was noon and the kids were hungry. I took one look at my kitchen and I was mortified. Why did it look like I hadn’t cleaned my house in a week? Why were there dirty pots and pans on the stove that I couldn’t even remember what I had cooked in them? Why hadn’t she even mentioned that my house was a total disaster?! 

She sorted though a 694-piece LEGO set while I douched my kitchen, made a box of pasta for the kids, submitted offers to a client, and answered more phone calls and emails. I don’t think she had any idea how much help I needed today. I didn’t even know how much help I needed. I was drowning in work, with three kids on school vacation, and a mild hangover. Damn you Tito’s. I would never have gotten everything done with my kids hanging on me but she waltzed in here and handled the situation without a second thought. 

Find yourself a friend who shows up. In the middle of the week, not just over the weekend. In the morning with her kids, not just at night for a drink. In sweats, with her own coffee, and a grocery bag of snacks thrown on the counter. A friend who reminds you that the actual sun is shining outside. Go and stand in the sunshine. To talk about the ugly stuff, like anxiety and finances, but to also talk about nothing at all. A friend who will walk in having no idea what to expect and handle whatever she finds with grace and quiet support. A friend who walks out the door a few hours later probably thinking she just stopped by for a quick play date, but who actually turned my entire day around just by being present, and being herself. Thanks girl, I owe you.

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  1. Tina Anderson says:

    Beautifully written! Enough said…

  2. Donyale Kramer says:

    Even now, as my kids are becoming young adults, I don’t . know what I would do without my heart & Soul girlfriends. I can be at my worst and all they see is awesomeness. I can be short, ugly, sassy, you -name-it and they will still cheer me on. I am so glad that you have those kind of friendships. They are at the least, invaluable!!!

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